
Verified Customer Ratings

How to Use Results

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We Identify Problems
Our calling scripts are carefully crafted to pinpoint problems, and our callers are trained to gently probe to see why someone is not happy. As a result, we identify exactly what the problems are in your organization.

We will send you an email with the details for a negative score within an hour of receiving the score by phone, so that you can call the customer right away. We’ll also send positive mentions of specific employees by email, so you can let them know what a good job they are doing!

You Solve Them
Once you know what is wrong, you can correct the situation. It’s usually easy to fix the problems. Sometimes employees are just saying the wrong phrase and need to be given a different approach to use.

And Improve
We consistently see increases in our clients’ scores as they begin to implement improvements.


Some of the problems that have been solved include:

Phone Training

One company had someone answering the phone in their parts department, and when someone asked for a part, he’d just say, “We don’t have it” if it wasn’t in stock.

It took a bit of training to change his script to, “We can get it shipped to you for expedited delivery tomorrow or regular delivery in about 3 days. Will that work?”

Not only did their scores go up, so did their sales!

Email Updates

Another company received a complaint about their emails that they would send with updates. They thought they were too impersonal. Sometimes, what looks efficient can be offensive to your customers.

The company invested in a system that sends texts or emails, based on the customer’s preferences.

The result? Their scores have increased significantly.