
Verified Customer Ratings

Zundle's results show how to improve

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Loyal customers are a phone call away

Most people won’t call you to complain. They just won’t do business with you again if they are not happy. Here lies the true value of outbound customer satisfaction surveys. Zundle is reaching out to your customers to ask them what you can do to improve before they decide not to return. They get to tell you why they’re unhappy, and you find out the problems and fix them. Everybody benefits!

Zundle emails negative scores

Zundle emails any negative score to the designated contacts at your company within an hour of talking to your customer.

You call the customer

Call back the customer as quickly as possible to find out what the issues are and ask how you can make it right. Whatever the problems are, let them tell you the details, and offer to fix it.

Sometimes it’s an emotional issue for them, and they really just want to talk to someone from the company and receive an apology. Sometimes there’s a customer service response that wasn’t completed correctly. Whatever the problem is, you can usually fix it.

Every once in a while, there’s a customer who complains, but the issues don’t have much to do with your company. Listen, be sympathetic, ask what they are looking for you to do. Most of the time, they realize that they just wanted to voice their concerns to someone.

For difficult issues you can promise to call back with a resolution

If the person calling isn’t sure how to resolve the problem, tell the customer that you don’t have the authority to solve their problem, but you will talk with someone who can solve the problem, and you will call them back.

This process converts negative scores into loyal customers

What invariably happens as a result of this process is you convert an unhappy customer into a very loyal one, because you called, you listened, and you acted.

Your processes will improve

The other benefit of talking with these customers is that you find out what procedures you have that need to be improved.